Organisation of the Year – EasyPark wins top Australian Industry Parking Award
EasyPark has been recognized by the Australian Parking Industry as the 2023 Organisation of the Year. The Award is recognition for EasyPark’s rapid growth during an incredibly busy 18 months in which the Cities of Melbourne, Canberra, Perth and many others, adopted the EasyPark Digital Parking Solutions as an alternative to parking meters, and also the introduction of ticketless digital permits.

Over the last 8 years more than 70 Councils and Parking Operators across the country have introduced EasyPark Pay via Phone for parking and Digital Permit Solutions.
More than 3.1 Million Australians have downloaded the EasyPark App to date and there are close to 100 000 new downloads each month. EasyPark was the 38th* most downloaded app on the app store in September 2023!
EasyPark CEO Eli Grossinger Binshtok said the best compliment the business gets is that EasyPark is – Easy.
“People say it is easy to use and we are easy to do business with. But, as we all know, it’s not that easy to make it easy. We worked very hard behind the scenes to achieve this outcome for our clients and customers and for this I thank our wonderful team who show great effort and commitment every day to build this amazing organisation to make it easy for everyone else,” Mr Grossinger Binshtok said.
EasyPark General Manager Craig Logan said more and more Councils and Commercial Parking Operators are adopting the EasyPark digital parking services to reduce and replace physical parking meters and old outdated parking permit systems.
“The 3G network, which many physical parking meters still utilise for communications and payment processing, will be cut off next year, and as a result, Councils and Parking Operators are considering additional digital payment options, including EasyPark as a viable alternative to upgrading their entire fleet of aging on-street parking meters.”
EasyPark was also the Finalist for Outstanding Customer Service