Jutta Vatanen - new Country Director in Finland
With the vision of making cities more livable through efficient and innovative use of space, EasyPark Group is happy to present Jutta Vatanen as the new Country Director in Finland.

With its award winning app, EasyPark Group has simplified parking for drivers in Finland for almost than 25 years, and is one of the global leaders in mobile paid parking.
“Society and the economy need transport, but the environment needs more sustainable solutions, such as electrification of the car fleet. EasyPark Group contributes to the transition of electric vehicles by tackling the challenges and helping decision makers to take data-driven decisions. It's great to be able to contribute to the vitality of cities in a company with an impressive history of developing mobile services", says Jutta Vatanen, EasyPark's new Finnish Country Director.
Jutta Vatanen, has extensive expertise in sales and marketing management. Her background includes a strong focus on leveraging digital business opportunities and effectively managing growth and change within organizations. Previously, she worked as a manager at the international business travel and event company American Express Global Business Travel.
“We are happy to welcome Jutta Vatanen to the EasyPark team. She has just the right background and understanding of digital business management. As Country Director for Finland she will have a significant opportunity to influence the future of electric vehicles and urban development, making a notable impact”, says Lotte Præstgaard, Regional Director of EasyPark Group in the Nordics & the Netherlands.