Apple CarPlay gets its first on-street parking app
The tech company EasyPark is the first parking app to enable on-street parking through Apple CarPlay, Apple’s in-car screen mirroring technology. The app lets you pay for parking throughout Europe and even charge your electric vehicle, without using either your smartphone or your wallet.

80% of all newly sold cars come with Apple CarPlay, which brings Apple’s vast universe of apps directly into the car in an easy and seamless way. Now CarPlay gets its first parking app for on-street parking, EasyPark.
With EasyPark, a leading parking app for smartphones and cars, you can pay for parking in over 2,200 cities in 20 countries. You can also charge your electrical vehicle, find streets with high parking availability and change between private and work related expenses in the app.
Now you can use the app in the car itself, meaning you no longer have to use either cash, credit card or even a smartphone to pay for parking – although the phone still needs to be connected to the car.
– We see a great potential in becoming available on an additional Apple platform that just opened up for parking apps. EasyPark has been in the forefront of app development for iOS for years, and this is a natural evolution for us. The potential that comes from running the app from the car’s head unit is great and will likely mean further steps of innovation going forward. I trust that our users also will value the option to use the interface, seamlessly connected, in a larger size, says Johan Birgersson, CEO of EasyPark group.
The app is the first of its kind, and changes the possible applications for CarPlay radically. The solution has previously been mostly associated with entertainment and music as well as navigation, and covering parking both on and off street brings a new component to the table.
EasyPark also takes pride in being the app with the largest coverage in Europe, meaning you can use the app for cross continental road trips.
– You can drive from the north of Scandinavia to the south of Italy and Spain and use EasyPark in Apple CarPlay all along the way. That is completely unique, says Johan Birgersson.
Going forward, EasyPark also sees great potential in further digitalization of the car, parking, and traffic in general. Taking analogue or disconnected environments, such as the inside of a car traditionally has been, and making them digital and connected, opens up a range of possibilities.
– An example of digitalization is how we provide cities and parking operators with our “parking dashboard” that compiles and visualizes parking data, enabling data driven decisions and smarter cities Mr. Birgersson concludes.
About EasyPark
EasyPark is a fast-growing, leading tech company that helps drivers find and manage parking and EV charging. Our technology helps businesses, operators, and cities with parking administration, planning, and management in over 2,200 cities across 20 countries. What we do is make urban life easier – one parking spot at a time.